Author's posts
Oct 17 2019
325 What the Barr?
This week we talk about Syria, SDA Annual Council shenanigans, Mormon’s fighting for conversion therapy, Barr,, O’Rourke, California prisons, and Washington Catholic schools, and the family tree of world religions.
Oct 08 2019
324 What the Moloch?
As it turns out I suck at taking a break, so here’s a shorter episode with a combo news story/Dustin’ off the Degree. We look at Todd Starnes conversation with Robert Jeffress that got Starnes fired, who Moloch is, child sacrifice now and in the Bible, impeachment, and more.
Oct 01 2019
323 What the Waldorf?
This week we talk about the new school down the street from us, a secret fossil, SC Gov prayers, no religion beating Christianity in New Zealand, AZ Supreme Court making no one happy, and what liberals worship.
Sep 24 2019
322 Camp Nomad in the Mormon Corridor
This week we recorded from Camp Nomad with Josh and Joel. We talked about the Mormon Corridor/Colonies, the value of prayer, prayers failing, Kenai Borough Assembly being blessed by his noodly appendages.
Sep 17 2019
321 The Vaping Crisis
This week we talk about the relationship between religion and culture, the vaping crisis, football baptisms, witches in parks, and more.
Sep 10 2019
320 Conversations with God
We are joined by Tone from the Conversations with God podcast. While it may be one of the most appalling podcasts on the internet, it is frankly a perfect waste of listening time where he attempts to have meaningful conversations with maggot mouth himself, AKA, The Lord God Most High.
Sep 03 2019
319 The Myth of Christian Nationalism with Andrew Seidel
This week we are joined by constitutional scholar and lawyer Andrew Seidel of the Freedom From Religion Foundation to discuss his book The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism Is Un-American. TwitterWebsiteFFRF
Aug 27 2019
318 Don’t put the Ephesus on the Wrong Synod
This week we bring back Dustin Off the Degree with the Schism of 451, talk about how we talk to young assholes. In the news @realDonaldTrump is full of himself, a St Luis County Counselor is the good in politics, Kentucky schools frame dollar bills, and Matt Shae’s connection with Christian terrorist training camps.
Aug 20 2019
317 Healthcare and Trans People with Callie Wright
This week we’re joined by Callie Wright of the Queer Splaning podcast. We talk about being trans in Trump’s America and healthcare for trans people.
Aug 13 2019
316 For God so loved the…
This week we’re joined by Aaron and Steve from Waiting 4 Wrath. We talk about the recent shootings, Christian terrorism, tardigrades on the moon, and the Waiting 4 Wrath podcast.