Author's posts
Nov 17 2021
433 The Nigerian Prince
This week we talk about Nigerian prosperity gospel televangelist T.B. Joshua. In the news we have an update on the Spanish bishop who left the church to be with his satanic erotica author lover, Texas schools can now again require masks, ReAwaken America was a conference held at a Texas megachurch with lot’s of pro-Trump, …
Nov 11 2021
432 How to come out to your family?
This week we talk about coming out to your family and in the news we have Biden removes Trump’s discrimination protections, SDA president talks about how to handle a gay couple walking into a church, Chicago has a pro-vaccine day of prayer, and a pastor makes the most bazaar claims about the signers of the …
Nov 04 2021
431 The Rise of Christianity in Africa
This week we get more background on Christianity in Africa. In the news, Liberty University’s leak about their real purpose, SCOTUS rules the right way on Maine’s vaccine mandate, poll show’s broad support for church state separation, QAnon craziness, pregnant hands, and more!
Oct 28 2021
430 The Gospel of Greed
This week we talk about Prosperity Theology, which is background we need to continue looking at what’s going on with religion in Africa. In the news we have the Boise Town Square shooting, a GOP candidate admitting he’s a theocrat who doesn’t care about the constitution, Evangelical’s new meaning, Kerr’s new Trump prophecy, a California …
Oct 20 2021
429 The Scrambling of Africa
This week we talk about the colonial and post-colonial destabilizing of Africa as we move closer to the modern Pentecostal and Evangelical takeover. In the news we have religious right conspiracy theorists, a win on vaccine religious exemptions, wellness and misinformation, the Reformed Church’s attempt to avoid schism and more.
Oct 14 2021
428 Religion in Africa
This week we have a high level view of religion in Africa, Ghana’s anti-LGBT violence, Christian nationalist racism, homophobia, and transphobia, a county commissioner from my hometown saying to ask God about vaccines, and more!
Oct 06 2021
427 Christian Facebook Troll Farms
This week we talk about the Orthodox movement in Guatemala, Facebook trouble, Governors on the wrong side of COVID, weird campaign add, and more!
Sep 30 2021
426 Is it Interesting if True?
This week we’re joined by Aaron from Interesting if True and talk about Hovind going back to jail, dad beating pastor, pastor beating kids, German religiosity, and more! Buy a shirt, mug, magnet, or so much more at our store
Sep 23 2021
425 The Gift or Grift of Prophecy
This week we talk about the gift and grif of prophecy, conspiracy theories about a Florida GOP official’s COVID death, more arguments to get a COVID shot, ads on misinformation, and more! Get a shirt, mug, magnet and more at our new merch store
Sep 16 2021
424 Backfire vs Back Fire
This week we talk about backfire vs back fire and why we shouldn’t be worried about one and should be doing the other. We also talk about Kunneman’s prophecies, bishop quitting over love with a satanic erotica writer, and Boebert’s desire for theocracy. Buy shirts and other merch on the new store