Boise, ID

Author's posts

443 Burning Books in the name of Liberty

This week we talk about banning and burning books.

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442 Where did priestly celibacy come from?

This week we talk about what clerical celibacy is, who it applies to, how it developed, and the problems it’s causes.

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441 The Huguenot Diaspora

This week we talk about the Huguenot Diaspora, with a personal connection for Dustin with some Huguenot ancestors.

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440 The Huguenots

This week we talk more about the upcoming rebrand and also talk about the Huguenots, the French Calvinists probably named after a Swiss Catholic. It’s a story of dissent, religious wars, dynastic struggles, and mass exile.

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439 Puritan to Unitarian

This week we talk about the rise of the Congregationalists, otherwise known as Puritans, Separatists, and Independents, and how that lead to the Unitarians.

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438 War on Christmas 2021

It’s time for this year’s War on Christmas episode! Keeping with the new format, it starts with a memo from the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem and opens a can of historical worms.

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437 Bad Things Jesus Taught with David Madison

This week we talk with David Madison, PhD, author of Ten Things Christians Wish Jesus Hadn’t Taught. David is a former Methodist pastor and has a PhD in Biblical Studies. Book’s Website Debunking Christianity Blog

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436 Liberation Theology

This week we talk about Liberation Theology in Latin America and how it was crushed by the Vatican.

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435 World Congress of Families

This week we talk about the World Congress of Families, the organization exporting anti-LGBT and anti-abortion laws to Africa and Eastern Europe.

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434 Changes to the show

This week we talk changes the format of the show.

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