Episode 48 – Talking Bollocks & Bellends with Marsh


* Dustin is now fully employed!
* Dustin’s also headed to Seattle for the weekend. Feel free to buy him a beer if you’re in the area.


Email us at [email protected] or call us at (541) 203-0666.


* New Gold Sponsor – Gary


* 1905 – Fingerprint evidence is used to solve a British murder case
* 1939 – March Madness is born
* 1945 – Germans launch last of their V-2s
* 1998 – FDA approves Viagra


* First ripples from the Big Bang found
* Worm adapts to one strain of Bt corn
* Darkness sharpens adult mice hearing
* Painkiller made from snail venom 100 time more powerful than morphine
* The Auto-Brewery observed


* Update on Louisiana court case over teacher calling Buddhist student’s faith “stupid”
* US Air Force Academy removed cadet’s Bible verse from dorm whiteboard
* Chicago republican who blames everything on gay rights wins primary
* Ted Cruz tells kids that the “job of a chaplain is to be insensitive to atheists”
* Alabama children’s pastor molested more children than he can count
* Fred Phelps has died, let’s forget about the WBC

INTERVIEW – Michael “Marsh” Marshall Cohost of Skeptics with a K, VP of Merseyside Skeptic Society, and Project Director of the Good Thinking Society

How Does Homeopathy Work?
Hide the Bible

Skeptics with a K
Be Reasonable

This episode is brought to you by:

Nuclear Sponsor – US$20.00 per month
* Renee Davis-Pelt
* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics

Platinum Sponsor – US$10.00 per month
* Robert Ray, Humanists of the North Puget Sound
* Virginia Dawn

Gold Sponsor – US$5.00 per month
* Vernware
* Sally Lehman
* Gary

* Danster
* Mark

* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.
* This vs. That – A new six part series available for download made just for geeky skeptics like you! Use offer code “nomads” at checkout for 25% off your purchase at thisvsthatshow.com.

You can find us online at www.htotw.com, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at [email protected], and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.

Theme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.

Recorded for release on 2014-03-27

Episode 47 – Be Secular with Mark and Shanon Nebo


* Dustin is now underemployed!!!
* Cosmos!



Email us at [email protected] or call us at (541) 203-0666.


New Patrons

* Danster
* Mark

Truly a shit day in history.

* 1733 – Unitarian Joseph Priestley is born in Yorkshire
* 1865 – Confederacy approves black soldiers
* 2005 – Terry Ratzmann kills 7 in Wisconsin Church Group
* 2012 – Encyclopaedia Britannica announces that it will no longer publish printed versions of its encyclopedia


* 30,000 year old virus is back
* Egypt’s army claims to have a HIV detection and cure device
* Genetic modification allows for some awesome HIV treatment
* You can’t change anti-vaxxer’s minds


* Idaho’s faith-healing bill is dead
* Arizona sex-workers forced into churches by cops
* Update on Uganda’s anti-LGBT law
* Pope Francis charged in child trafficking case
* Update on UK infant rickets case
* Kentucky church offers guns to men who join

INTERVIEW – Mark and Shanon Nebo

Shannon is President of Be Secular | Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter @besecular @secularsunshine
Mark is Vice President of Be Secular and Vice President of Marketing of Secular Broadcasting | Website

This episode is brought to you by:

Nuclear Sponsor – US$20.00 per month
* Renee Davis-Pelt
* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics

Platinum Sponsor – US$10.00 per month
* Robert Ray, Humanists of the North Puget Sound
* Virginia Dawn

Gold Sponsor – US$5.00 per month
* Vernware
* Sally Lehman

* Danster
* Mark

* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.
* This vs. That – A new six part series available for download made just for geeky skeptics like you! Use offer code “nomads” at checkout for 25% off your purchase at thisvsthatshow.com.

You can find us online at www.htotw.com, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at [email protected], and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.

Theme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.

Recorded for release on 2014-03-13

Episode 46 – Ex-Muslims with Mohammed Sayed and Sadaf


* Dustin’s unemployment is running out, help him out by becoming a patron at patreon.com/atheistnomads


Email us at [email protected] or call us at (541) 203-0666.


New Gold Sponsor – Sally Lehman!


* 1827 – New Orleans take to the streets for Mardi Gras
* 1922 – Supreme Court defends women’s voting rights in Leser v. Garnett |other source
* 1980 – “I Will Survive” wins the first—and last—Grammy ever awarded for Best Disco Recording
* 1998 – Queen Elizabeth says First Born Daughters Have Same Rights as Sons


* Fatwa issued against Muslims going to Mars
* Nuclear fusion!
* Dogs really can pick up on our emotions
* Ancient genome suggests that Native Americans descended from the Clovis culture


* Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed the anti-gay discrimination bill
* Republican senators try to undo federal recognition of same-sex marriages
* Uganda’s president signed anti-gay bill…
* …based on statements from scientists
* It’s also bad in much of the rest of Africa
* Protests allowed for the release of a Ugandan gay rights activist over visa issues in South Africa
* Colorado Woman claimed Jesus put her baby on the train tracks
* Former US House Majority Leader Tom DeLay thinks God wrote the Constitution
* CPAC drops American Atheists

INTERVIEW – Mohammed Sayed and Sadaf of Ex-Muslims of North America

* Website
* The blogs
* Facebook
* Twitter @exmuslimsofna

This episode is brought to you by:

Nuclear Sponsor – US$20.00 per month
* Renee Davis-Pelt
* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics

Platinum Sponsor – US$10.00 per month
* Robert Ray, Humanists of the North Puget Sound
* Virginia Dawn

Gold Sponsor – US$5.00 per month
* Vernware
* Sally Lehman

* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.
* This vs. That – A new six part series available for download made just for geeky skeptics like you! Use offer code “nomads” at checkout for 25% off your purchase at thisvsthatshow.com.

You can find us online at www.htotw.com, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at [email protected], and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.

Theme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.

Recorded for release on 2014-02-27

Episode 45 – Giving Bunches of F___s with Bria Crutchfield

* Correction – Reports of Uganda anti-gay bill veto are exaggerated (more recent news)
* Robert Ray’s Oak Harbor City Counsel invocation


Email us at [email protected] or call us at (541) 203-0666.



*1633 – Galileo in Rome for Inquisition
*1905 – Teddy Roosevelt discusses America’s race problem
*2008 – Mel Gibson completes DUI probation
*1992 – Jose Canseco charged with aggravated battery


*Quantum theory proves consciousness moves on after death, or does it…
*Back to Africa
*Contrary to the Bible camels weren’t domesticated until about 3000 years ago


*US abortion rate is the lowest since 1973, thanks to the pill
*Feds will grant married same sex couples full recognition in all federal matters
*Scotland’s parliament approves marriage equality
*Idaho state police arrest protesters
*Mormon President summoned to British court on charges of fraud
*Senior pastor ignored mother’s pleas over youth pastor sexually assaulting her daughter

INTERVIEW – Bridgett ‘Bria’ Crutchfield, founder of Minority Atheists of Michigan and president of Black Nonbelievers of Detroit

This episode is brought to you by:

Nuclear Sponsor – US$20.00 per month
* Renee Davis-Pelt
* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics

Platinum Sponsor – US$10.00 per month
* Robert Ray, Humanists of the North Puget Sound
* Virginia Dawn

Gold Sponsor – US$5.00 per month
* Vernware

* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.
* This vs. That – A new six part series available for download made just for geeky skeptics like you! Use offer code “nomads” at checkout for 25% off your purchase at thisvsthatshow.com.

You can visit our website at www.htotw.com, find us on Stitcher, iTunes, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at [email protected], and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.

Theme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.

Recorded for release on 2014-02-13

Episode 44 – A Year without God with Ryan Bell

* Idaho Navigators
* Server move, feeds, new stats
* Now on Stitcher and Secular.fm

* Russ – Laser Therapy
* Promo Video
* Science Based Medicine

Email us at [email protected] or call us at (541) 203-0666.



* 1862 – USS Monitor launched
* 1948 – Gandhi assassinated
* 1972 – Bloody Sunday


* China’s moon rover broke down
* Ceres spews water
* Natural ball lightning studied for the first time
* Western US smog is coming from China


* Trans woman in Louisiana kicks ass at her city council
* School in the same town sued over proselytizing 6th grade Buddhist child
* Uganda’s President vetoes life in prison anti-gay law
* UN Committee on the Rights of the Child takes on Vatican over clergy sexual abuse
* Indiana demon possession?


Ryan is a former Seventh-day Adventist pastor whose story has gone viral since announcing he’s trying on atheism.

* Blog
* Facebook
* Twitter @ryanjbell | @yearwithoutgod

This episode is brought to you by:

Nuclear Sponsor – US$20.00 per month
* Renee Davis-Pelt
* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics

Platinum Sponsor – US$10.00 per month
* Robert Ray, Humanists of the North Puget Sound
* Virginia Dawn

Gold Sponsor – US$5.00 per month
* Vernware

* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.
* This vs. That – A new six part series available for download made just for geeky skeptics like you! Use offer code “nomads” at checkout for 25% off your purchase at thisvsthatshow.com.

You can find us online at www.htotw.com, stream the show on Stitcher, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at [email protected], or leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.

Theme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.

Recorded for release on 2014-01-30

Episode 43 – The Creationist Fail with Rachel Nanon Brown

UPDATE – The files for this episode are hosted on Libsyn and the MP3 appears to be good. However, there is a problem with the Ogg file. I am troubleshooting this issue.

UPDATE 2 – In my testing this is only effecting the Ogg web player and the one fix I’ve tried has not worked, so I have disabled the Ogg web player and will try uploading them separately next time to see whether or not the issue persists. Please let me know if you run into any issues since we have made a change to hosting.


* Retraction: Jenny McCarthy is still crazy
* Robert Ray to give the invocation at the Oak Harbor, WA City Council
* Former SDA Pastor Ryan Bell is trying out atheism for a year
* Hosting changes – what this means for you


* Ryan

Email us at [email protected] or call us at (541) 203-0666.

* 1970 – Curt Flood files historic lawsuit against Major League Baseball
* 1982 – Britain and Vatican restore full diplomatic ties after 400 years
* 1988 – Jimmy ‘The Greek’ Is Fired by CBS


* Dolphins caught getting high
* Drug found to restore some juvenile plasticity
* Possible causes for Fibromyalgia found


* Same sex marriage is out in Utah while pending appeal
* OK District Judge rules in favor of same sex marriage
* Brain dead Texas woman kept on life support because she’s pregnant
* 78,000 books lost to terrorism in Lebanon because some were “anti-Islam”
* Christianity now a minority in New Zeeland
* The Satanic Temple has officially applied for the monument
* Bill Nye to debate Ken Ham

INTERVIEW – Rachel Nanon Brown, co-host of Dogma Debate and Archosaur Site Research Assistant

This episode is brought to you by:

Nuclear Sponsor – US$20.00 per month
* Renee Davis-Pelt
* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics

Platinum Sponsor – US$10.00 per month
* Robert Ray, Humanists of the North Puget Sound
* Virginia Dawn

Gold Sponsor – US$5.00 per month
* Vernware

* Audible.com – get your free audio book at audibletrial.com/atheistnomads.
* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.
* This vs. That – A new six part series available for download made just for geeky skeptics like you! Use offer code “nomads” at checkout for 25% off your purchase at thisvsthatshow.com.

You can find us online at www.htotw.com, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at [email protected], and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.

Theme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.

Recorded for release on 2014-01-16

[notice]The live streaming players below are known to be problematic. Use one of them to sample the show, but if you want to listen to the whole episode it is recommended that you either download the episode to your computer or mobile device or subscribe using iTunes or another podcatcher.[/notice]

Episode 42 – The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Epistemology with Peter Boghossian

* Happy New Year!


Email us at [email protected] or call us at (541) 203-0666.



* 1890 – Harrison welcomes Alice Sanger as first female staffer
* 1962 – Folk group The Weavers are banned by NBC after refusing to sign a loyalty oath
* 1971 – Football fans crushed in stadium stampede
* 1974 – Nixon signs national speed limit into law


* Talking robot in space!
* Huge melt water reservoir in Greenland
* Algae converted to crude oil in an hour
* Doctors come out and say that multivitamins are a waste of money
* Moderate alcohol consumption boosts your immune system!


* LDS missionary get’s off easy for sexual assault in eastern Idaho
* Federal judge throws out part of Utah’s anti-polygamy law
* Federal judge throws out Utah’s same sex marriage ban
* Utah couples don’t waste any time
* New Mexico Supreme Court grants marriage equality – 19 down
* Washington State requires hospitals to post reproduction and end of life care policies
* Uganda passes new anti-gay law
* Pope reaches out to atheists
* Pope sacks anti-equality US Cardinal
* PA appeals court overturns bishop’s conviction
* Mormons renounce their dark skin doctrine
* Phil fucking Robertson
* Religious belief in the US continues to drop
* Noah’s Ark has been found…or has it

INTERVIEW – Peter Boghossian joins us to talk about his book A Manual for Creating Atheists

This episode is brought to you by:

Nuclear Sponsor – US$20.00 per month
* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics
* Renee Davis-Pelt

Platinum Sponsor – US$10.00 per month
* Robert Ray, Humanists of the North Puget Sound
* Virginia Dawn

Gold Sponsor – US$5.00 per month
* Vernware

* Audible.com – get your free audio book at audibletrial.com/atheistnomads.
* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.
* This vs. That – A new six part series available for download made just for geeky skeptics like you! Use offer code “nomads” at checkout for 25% off your purchase at thisvsthatshow.com.

You can find us online at www.htotw.com, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at [email protected], and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.

Theme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.

Recorded for release on 2014-01-02

[notice]The live streaming players below are known to be problematic. Use one of them to sample the show, but if you want to listen to the whole episode it is recommended that you either download the episode to your computer or mobile device or subscribe using iTunes or another podcatcher.[/notice]

Episode 41 – Attacking the Theocrats with Sean Faircloth


Russel went Nuclear and throws down the gauntlet!

Email us at [email protected] or call us at (541) 203-0666.


New Nuclear Sponsors! Russel’s Challenge
* Renee Davis-Pelt
* Rus from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics


* 1917 – National Hockey League (NHL) opens its first season
* 1941 – Hitler takes command of the German army
* 1972 – Last lunar-landing mission ends
* 1998 – President Clinton impeached
* 2005 – Ahmadinejad bans all Western music in Iranian state television and radio broadcasts


* Possibly life sustaining chemistry found on Mars
* The crow we talked about…
* A cooling station on the ISS has gone down
* A second layer of code discovered in DNA
* 400,000 year old hominid DNA found


* Canadian student with Asthma dies due to policy prohibiting inhalers outside of the principal’s office
* Gay rights in India
* Judge orders San Diego cross to be removed
* Air Force removed an unconstitutional sectarian holiday scene
* Satanic Temple seeks to put up a monument at the OK Capital
* Fox News host Megyn Kelly claims that Jesus and Santa were both white
* Pat Robertson is cool sex changes, but thinks that being gay is a mental disorder

INTERVIEW – Sean Faircloth

Sean comes on the show to talk about the SecularityUSA project and the Global Secular Organizing & Strategy organization. You should also check out Sean’s book Attack of the Theocrats.

This episode is brought to you by:

Nuclear Sponsor – US$20.00 per month
* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics
* Renee Davis-Pelt

Platinum Sponsor – US$10.00 per month
* Robert Ray, Humanists of the North Puget Sound
* Virginia Dawn

Gold Sponsor – US$5.00 per month
* Vernware

* Audible.com – get your free audio book at audibletrial.com/atheistnomads.
* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.
* This vs. That – A new six part series available for download made just for geeky skeptics like you! Use offer code “nomads” at checkout for 25% off your purchase at thisvsthatshow.com.

You can find us online at www.htotw.com, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at [email protected], and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.

Theme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.

Recorded for release on 2013-12-19

[notice]The live streaming players below are known to be problematic. You can use one of them to sample the show, but if you want to listen to the whole episode it is recommended that you either download the episode to your computer or mobile device or subscribe using iTunes or another pod catcher.[/notice]

Episode 40 – Taking on Bull with Ari Mandel, part 2

* Please report issues
* Thank you for using the Amazon click through


Email us at [email protected] or call us at (541) 203-0666.



* 1492 – Christopher Columbus becomes the first European to set foot on the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic)
* 1933 – Prohibition ends
* 1945 – Aircraft squadron lost in the Bermuda Triangle
* 1969 – First 4 ARPANET nodes are brought


* Amazon testing drones …as is UPS
* Texas approves real text books
* Male and female brains mapped
* GM maize rat tumour paper retracted
* 13% of Finns are HIV resistant
* New HIV strain found
* Anti-vax group forced to change name
* Male contraceptive method found, may be on the market in 10 years


* Blasphemy decriminalized in The Netherlands
* Woman fined for not circumcising her son
* “Rape away the gay” pastor’s sentence suspended
* Methodist pastor forced to denounce his children or lose his job with audio
* ACLU sues the US Conference of Catholic Bishops over hospital directives

INTERVIEW – Ari Mandel
* Facebook
* Heathen Hassid Blog

This episode is brought to you by:

Platinum Sponsor – US$10.00 per month
* Robert Ray, Humanists of the North Puget Sound
* Virginia Dawn
* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics
* Renee Davis-Pelt

Gold Sponsor – US$5.00 per month
* Vernware

* Audible.com – get your free audio book at audibletrial.com/atheistnomads.
* Archway Hosting provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.
* This vs. That – A new six part series available for download made just for geeky skeptics like you! Use offer code “nomads” at checkout for 25% off your purchase at thisvsthatshow.com.

You can find us online at www.htotw.com, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at [email protected], and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.

Theme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.

Recorded for release on 2013-12-05

Episode 39 – The Witch is Dead with Ari Mandel

* Secular Coalition state chapters
* Secularity USA
* Advertisements


* Email us at [email protected] or call us at (541) 203-0666.


* 1975 – Congressional report charges U.S. involvement in assassination plots

* 1976 – Rocky premieres

* 1985 – Israeli spy arrested in United States

* 1986 – Oliver North starts feeding documents into the shredding machine


* Multicellular alga developed in a lab

* Fossil shows insects doing it missionary style

* Canadian study finds ⅓ of herbal supplements to be adulterated

* Cow’s milk peptide used to kill stomach cancer cells


* CDC comes clean on teen e-cig usage and smoking

* Anti-abortion group in Texas kidnaps women

* Four Idaho couples sue the state over the same-sex marriage ban

* Hawaii legalizes same-sex marriage

* So did Illinois

* 16.5 down, 33.5 to go

* EU rules gay Africans entitled to asylum

* Costco labels the Bible as fiction

* Student suspended for tearing pages from Bible

* Bus driver fired over prayers

* Lawsuit over horrific theocracy in Hildale, UT and Colorado City, AZ

* Faith healing in Idaho

* Sylvia Brown has died!

INTERVIEW – Ari Mandel
* Facebook
* Blog

This episode is brought to you by:

Platinum Sponsor – US$10.00 per month
* Robert Ray, Humanists of the North Puget Sound
* Virginia Dawn
* Russ from the Kitsap Atheists & Agnostics
* Renee Davis-Pelt

Gold Sponsor – US$5.00 per month
* Vernware

* Audible.com – get your free audio book at audibletrial.com/atheistnomads.
* Archway Hosting, provides full featured web hosting for a fraction of the cost of traditional shared hosting. You get all the benefits of shared hosting, without the sticker shock or extra fees. Check them out at archwayhosting.com.
* This vs. That – A new six part series available for download made just for geeky skeptics like you! Use offer code “nomads” at checkout for 25% off your purchase at thisvsthatshow.com.

You can find us online at www.htotw.com, follow us on Twitter @AtheistNomads, like us on Facebook, email us at [email protected], and leave us a voice mail message at (541) 203-0666.

Theme music is provided by Sturdy Fred.

Recorded for release on 2013-11-21