Author's posts
Dec 26 2019
335 Puritanical Moral Panic!
This week we’re joined by Gary Mitchell, talk about the news, and discussion America’s favorite pastime: puritanical moral panic!
Dec 19 2019
334 The War on Christmas 2019
This week we’re joined by Lady Bizness. Trump was impeached, grabby pastor is in trouble, nativity in cages, and the annual War on the War on the War on Christmas!
Dec 12 2019
333 It Feels Good to Be Yourself with Theresa Thorn
This week we are joined by Theresa Thorn and talk to her about her new book It Feels Good to Be Yourself, her podcast, background, parenting, and dogs. In the news we have Trump, India, NY anti-vaxxers, and E. coli.
Dec 05 2019
332 Top Three
This week we provide an overview of the three largest religious bodies, Wiles’s antisemitism, Christian rage at Chick-fil-A, substitute teacher being fired over an anti-gay rant, Roy Moore wants to turn back the clock, and more.
Nov 28 2019
331 Monster on Thanksgiving
This week we are joined by Steve Cass from the atheist hard rock band Monster on Sunday to talk about their new music video and the album they have in the works. Website Stardust Music Video
Nov 21 2019
330 How crazy can the week be?
This week we talk about Adventist obsession with the week, impeachment, Moscow, student religious liberty, license plates, Natural News, and more.
Nov 14 2019
329 The Impeachment Begins
This week we talk about Pence making sure USAID goes to Christians, Wisconsin’s week of the Bible, Saudi Arabia, Greek blasphemy, and more!
Nov 06 2019
328 What goes around, canes around
Biden was denied communion, evangelicals lay their hands on Trump, Indonesian leader who supported caning gets caned, rats driving cars, and Rogue River Blue, plus lots of other news.
Oct 30 2019
327 Too far for Pat Robertson?
This week we’re joined by Jason Ward and in the news we have a book burning, graveyard of the gods, Catholics opening up ordination, Trump finally crossing a line with Pat Robertson, and more.